Chrome Music Lab – A little fun with rhythm!!!!

Chrome music lab is a neat online music exploration tool that can provide lots of fun at home. Over the next couple of days, I will post videos showing you around the lab and how you can use it to make music at home. Today, I focused on Rhythm. Have a listen:

Here are some poems you can try at home:

Have a Musical Monday,

Ms. Syndi

Grade 3 Recorder

Did you know all of our grade 3 Recorder songs are on the blog? Click on Grade 3 Recorder and try them out!!! Grade 3’s, you can send us a video of you playing the song, and I will send you a virtual belt like this:

If you need to fix something up in your playing, I will message you back and you can re-submit the song. You can post them on the blog, or on the FaceBook page, or you can private message them to me through the blog or the FaceBook page. The best thing about the recorder – it sounds amazing outside. Have fun,

Ms. Syndi

Rhythm of the Week

It is a crazy time in the world right now, and I miss you guys like crazy!!! So… let’s have a little music fun!!! Music and language are made up of different rhythmic blocks. Rhythm is the long and short sounds, the syllables of our daily lives. When we clap a word, we are clapping rhythm. Today, find some toys, food, items, pets that ahve 2 short sounds and 1 long sound – titi ta. If you can, take a picture and post it on our FaceBook page – “Westwood Music Room”. Lucy, my little girl, and I will post what we find too. Have fun,

Ms, Syndi

Finding Creative YouTube channels

Today in class, I shared a blog post on creative youtube channels to start some critical thinking in what we chose to watch. My daughter loves youtube but some of what she watches is a little silly.

What about

  • Making music with an apple? Or a red balloon?
  •  Rock stars using instruments we have in the classroom?
  • An epic patty cake song?

Check out the blog post and videos we checked out.

9 Musically Creative Youtube Channels To Inspire Your Students